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因为一群人 温暖一座城 ——初一6班

2020年03月11日   王若瑶


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 开始的几天,她没和我们联系,我和爸爸也不敢给她打电话,怕影响她的工作,每天新闻都是在说疫情的发展情况,我们都非常担心她,怕她太累,身体受不了,抵抗力下降! 后来她抽空打来电话,告诉我她都在做什么。作为医疗队的感控护士,妈妈说:她第一个进入了感染病房,因为不了解病区的实际环境,不亲身体会工作流程,只能是纸上谈兵,根本解决不了一线防控工作的实际问题。结合实际环境在最短的时间做出最正确的防护方案是她最重要的工作。妈妈说医院的条件是不能想象的,她的压力特别大,好几天都只睡3、4个小时,把工作一点一点捋顺!她只有一个想法,尽可能多的救治患者,然后带着所有的同事平安的回家!





                                初一6班 孙苑喆












                          初一6班 周睿妍




 在全国上下抗击疫情的关键期,无数医护人员“舍小家,顾大家”甚至牺牲生命与病魔进行殊死搏斗,写下了无数可歌可泣的感人事迹,他们是当之无愧的英雄。然而除了他们,还有很多普通人,保安员、保洁员、快递员、货车司机...... 他们默默地在自己的工作岗位上履职尽责,坚守着自己的责任和使命,为城市的正常运转,为百姓的健康安居做着贡献,他们也是值得被大家尊重。


                         初一6班 俞奕鑫 

In the end of 2019, an aggressive new virus hits China, and that virus is named “coronavirus”. The virus was orginated from Wuhan, Hubei. The decease can spread very quick, and it didn’t got enough attach. So, the decease infects man by man, and till January ,it is really been noticed by most people.

Due to the seriousness of this decease, the huge machine—China, began to work in an incredible speed. In the machine, the leadership comes from the government, the power comes from low-level workers, but the key part that made the machine to work, is doctors and nurses.

During the decease, doctors and nurses uses their special ability to cure people, and try their best to fight the virus. This is a really tired work, but outside of the doctors that are assigned to help ,there are also many doctors who goes to Wuhan because of they are worried about the country. A doctor in Sichuan named Huang Wei wants to go and help Wuhan. But that means he would leave the cozy and safe home, and face the terrible cold virus, and his two-year old kid cries in the house’s front door, and plead his father don’t go. Huang Wei didn’t move his determination, and left the home in January 31th. Because Wuhan was in seal of, all public transportation was stopped, he decided to drive his private car for 1200 km to Wuhan. He even brought three adult diapers, so he can drive without stop .Stories like that are countless. Nothing can move their loyal heart to help our country.

It is really hard to leave the home and fight the virus in front of the country, but it is even harder to keep working in the hospital. Every doctors need to wear N95 masks in the hospital, and the tether rope on the mask needs to tide as a drum. Every day they work continuous for over ten hours, and their face are deformed by the mask. If they need to go into the Intensive Care Unit, they also need to wear protective clothing. Those cloth are heavy, and doctors must don’t touch the outside of the cloth, so it takes over 10 minuate to take off the cloth. In this condition, many doctors are still working hard. Some doctors need grape sugar in their rest hours.

The virus is very hard to eliminate, but at last, the fire of CHINA will beat the virus!              

                                 初一6班 刘元玮

In the campaign against covid-19 in the whole country, a group of people rush to the front of the resistance of epidemic. They are committing and paying to build a protective line to protect people´s  health .they  are the most  beautiful “retrograder”.

At the beginning of spring festival,an unexpected pneumonia epidemic swept across the country.in front of this sudden war,a group of “heroes in harmsway”did not shrink back,went against the “wind”,faced the difficulties and went up to fight againt the nightmare that threatened residents for days and nights,dedicate their strength and transmit warm.their unrequited “retrograde” is the bravest persevere and the warmest guard,with deserves our praise and salute.

They take on the responsibility which is even heavier than mout  tai,in the face of the diserse, the majority of medical workers,writing a latter of invitation,pressing the bright red fingerprint,volunteering by heart,resolutely rush to the battlefield which is without the smoke of gunpower.public security officers,grass-roots cadres,transport drivers,etc are committed to fighting in the battlefront.who are hand in hand,shoulder to shoulder,fighting against the epidemic and tabilizing the situation.they are the most pretty revograders,who shoulder the burden and interpret the duty with action.

They most beautiful people who are braving freezing weather´s duty is to convey confidence and strengs.people´s hearets are the most powerful force to conquer the darkness.at the dangerous and urgent time ,they rise to the challenge and stand up.this is the respect and assistance of life,the strengtl and warmth  of sharing weal, hebing each other for the society,the determination of the general public stand against the shadow,and the strong belief to win the endless war,in these shining ordinary people,we see the greatness of love,the power of love,and a great love hearth for all people.

  The most beautiful retrograder´s dutu is to guardlife and hope. they are worthy of the heroes of the new time.at present,it´s them who go against the wind and work nin-stop,guard our lives with theirs,let usovercome ourfears,have the stable and strength in us,and have the eyes hopeful

  Just this fantastic soldierscomposed moving stories and praise poems they are the loveliest and most respectable people,worthy of being remembered and praised.in this hard time,let´s stand by and help each other,to show respect to those lovely heroes,thy are the most beautiful retrograde.

                         初一6班 苏文雯 

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